
General Pre-care info

Ensuring the skin in the treatment area is in the best and healthiest state possible, will only provide us with the best slate to work on! Clients who hydrate their skin, use sun protection DAILY, and drink a lot of water, always some of the best canvas’ and the best healed results! 

If you have any of the following conditions, you can not get tattooed or may need to consult your doctor:

-Under the age of 18
-Rosacea in treated area
-Eczema in treated area
-Allergies to pigments/lidocaine/benzocaine
-Undergoing chemotherapy
-Have an autoimmune disorder or difficulty healing
-Any heart condition
-On antibiotics or steroids

Face Services

-No intense sun exposure the area for 2 weeks prior
-You can not be pregnant or breastfeeding
-No alcohol 24 hrs prior
-No caffeine 24 hrs prior
-No blood thinners 24 hrs prior
-No botox injections 14 days prior
-No retinol products 14 days prior (includes, retina-a, retinoids, tretinoin)
-No antibiotics 14 days prior
-No acne/blemishes in the brow area. They must be completely healed.
-No laser or chemical peels 6 weeks prior

Brow Services

-No intense sun exposure the area for 2 weeks prior
-You can not be pregnant or breastfeeding
-No alcohol 24 hrs prior
-No caffeine 24 hrs prior
-No blood thinners 24 hrs prior
-No botox injections 14 days prior
-No retinol products 14 days prior (includes, retina-a, retinoids, tretinoin)
-No antibiotics 14 days prior
-No acne/blemishes in the brow area. They must be completely healed.
-No laser or chemical peels 6 weeks prior

Lip Services

-No lip filler 4 weeks prior
-No intense sun exposure the area for 2 weeks prior
-You can not be pregnant or breastfeeding
-No alcohol 24 hrs prior
-No caffeine 24 hrs prior
-No blood thinners 24 hrs prior
-No retinol products 14 days prior (includes, retina-a, retinoids, tretinoin)
-No antibiotics 14 days prior
-No laser or chemical peels 6 weeks prior
-No cold sores/fever blisters 4 weeks prior

  • To ensure the best results for your lip cosmetic tattoo procedure, your lips must be well-hydrated and moisturized on the day of your appointment. We recommend starting a daily lip care routine 5 days prior to your scheduled visit to prepare your lips. If your lips are dry, cracked, peeling, or have scabs, we will need to reschedule your appointment. It’s crucial that your lips are in the healthiest condition possible to achieve the best outcome.

  • You MUST be aware that if you have ever experienced a fever blister, cold sore, or herpes, you are required to take an anti-viral medication such as Zovirax, Famvir, or Valtrex both before and after the procedure to help prevent an outbreak. This policy is strict and non-negotiable. Outbreaks typically occur around the third day after your appointment. This precaution applies to every lip blush procedure you undergo. Please consult your physician to obtain the appropriate prescription-strength anti-viral medication.

    Taking preventative medication is a MUST the day before, day of and the day after (and possibly longer) after your appointment as a potential outbreak can occur as the skin’s natural reaction to the procedure. If you experience frequent outbreaks, please note that Lip Blush can only be done after 4 weeks from your most recent outbreak. All other questions or concerns regarding medications and outbreaks should be discussed with your healthcare physician. If you haven’t had a cold sore/fever blister/herpes it is still HIGHLY recommended to take Lysine pre/post appointment as you can still unknowingly carry the herpes virus and not have an outbreak yet. 


Brow Aftercare

– Day 1, rinse area with cool water and pat dry when you get home and before bed.

-Starting on day 2, cleanse morning and night for 10 days with the provided cleanser.
– Apply rice-sized amount of balm to the brows 2-3x a day for 10 days with a q-tip. The brows should be lightly coated, not goopy.
– Avoid getting your new brows wet, besides washing off the cleanser, until ALL flaking has stopped (usually 10 days). This means keeping them dry in the shower (no steamy ones for a few days either!), no sweating in the brow area, no steam rooms, swimming, etc.
– Save extra cleanser and balm for your touch up appt, you should have enough for both!
– You may wear makeup around the brows, but nothing directly over or around them for 2 weeks.
– Avoid direct sun exposure for 2 weeks. If extended sun exposure is happening, you must wear a large hat to protect the brows as they heal. After the 2 weeks, you MUST apply sunscreen to your brows indefinitely when out in the sun, this is imperative to ideal long term results.
– Do not touch, pick, rub, or scratch the brows. Do not pick the scabs or flakes as they come off, this will remove the pigment and lead to patchiness. Let it happen and trust the process!
– No anti-aging or acne products on the brows ever. (Anything with Retinol, Glycolic Acid, Salicylic Acid, etc.)

  • Immediately after your appointment, you may experience minor redness or swelling around the treated area, which typically goes away within 24 hours. Over the next few hours, the pigment in the skin will oxidize making the brows look darker and warmer (red) than they were initially. This is normal and expected. Pigment typically fades anywhere from 20%-60% once fully healed.

    Around day 3-4, you may notice light flaking on the treated area. This is normal! Please refrain from picking at the brows. Doing so will result in loss of pigment in those areas and can cause scarring. Brows may appear spotty or patchy until the entire brow has finished healing. Once all flaking is complete (usually around day 10), the brows will appear much lighter. The pigment will darken over the next 4-6 weeks and the pigment will return to the surface of the skin with the healed color.

    At 6 weeks, your brows will be fully healed. Whatever pigment that does not return will be addressed at your touch up appointment. At this appointment, we will asses your retention, touch up spots that didn’t stick, and adjust the pigment color if needed! Once the brows have healed from your first touch up appointment, it is recommended that you do not return for your yearly color boost for 18-36 months!

Lip Aftercare

-Day 1-2 clean the area 3x a day with the provided antiseptic wipes and reapply balm multiple times a day
-For 7 days, reapply a thin layer of balm multiple times a day. Keep the skin moist at all times.
-Drink all liquids through a straw for 7 days.
-Apply a thicker layer of ointment before bathing and brushing your teeth. Avoid toothpaste getting on the lips.
-Do your best to not get the area wet besides cleaning them until day 7.
-Do not touch, bite, lick, peel, rub, or tamper with the treated area.
-Do not let any water, lotion, make up, foreign substances touch the area for 7 days.
-Do not use a vape or smoke for 7 days. This is important! The heat will cause discoloration!
-No excessive sweating for 7 days
-No spicy, salty, citrusy foods for 7 days
-Do not eat any foods that will cause over stretching of your mouth. It will cause the lips to crack.
-Not sauna, steam room, submerging in swimming pool for 14 days
-Absolutely no Neosporin or vaseline on them while healing.
-Avoid prolonged sun exposure for 30 days as the skin is still healing until the skin cycle is complete.

  • Day 1: Right after the procedure the lips will be bold, vibrant and feel swollen and tight.
    Day 2: The lips are much darker and still feel swollen & dry, but there is no pain.
    Day 3-4: The skin is dry, flaking and peeling. The color is uneven and the outline is often darker than the inside area.
    Day 5-6: The flaking is almost gone, but the color is still uneven. Lips can still feel very dry.
    Day 7-31: The lips have completely healed, but the color is much lighter and softer.
    After 4-6 weeks: The color has fully bloomed and settled.

    At 6 weeks, your lips will be fully healed. Whatever pigment that does not return will be addressed at your touch up appointment. At this appointment, we will asses your retention, touch up spots that didn’t stick, and adjust the pigment color if needed! Once the lips have healed from your first touch up appointment, it is recommended that you do not return for your yearly color boost for 18-36 months!


  • No consultation is required before booking unless you’ve had previous work done; in that case, you'll need to provide a photo for pre-approval. Every session includes a built-in consultation, ensuring that we always tattoo with your full understanding and approval. If you have any questions or concerns that are preventing you from booking, please reach out to us, and we’ll do our best to address them.

  • For the majority of clients, Cosmetic tattooing requires 2 sessions, with the touch up being 6-8 weeks after the first appointment. For some clients, it may require 3 sessions depending on your skin type, lifestyle, etc.

  • No - all sessions are priced separately. Please be sure to check the services page to view the cost of touch up sessions.

  • Immediately after your service, the color may look more bold and intense than it will once healed. As it heals, the color will soften, which some clients may prefer, while others might desire a more vivid result. During your follow-up session, we evaluate how your skin has healed from the initial session and add pigment where necessary. We can also make any adjustments to color or shape.

  • Cosmetic tattooing is a less invasive tattoo that does not penetrate into the skin layers as deep as traditional tattooing. Other key differences are in the machines and tools used to implant pigment. Cosmetic tattoos are designed to fade over time as opposed to traditional tattoos.

  • For the same reasons that water should be avoided during the healing process after permanent makeup, sweat should also be kept to a minimum. Sweat originates from within the skin and can push the pigment out, potentially affecting how well the permanent makeup retains. Even a light workout can cause sweating, which, even in small amounts, might lead to fading of the treated area. It is essential to avoid sweating until all scabs and flaking skin have fully healed. Once the area is completely healed, you can return to your regular exercise routine.