Lip Blushing. Lip Neutralization.


  • Lip Blushing is a form of semi-permanent cosmetic tattooing where pigment is implanted into the lips to give a tint of color, redefine borders, and neutralize discoloration. This is a great option for folks looking for a natural and soft blush of color VS lipstick. First time lip client! Initial service includes consult, mapping + pre-draw, lip service, explanation of aftercare, and a take home kit with supplies and instructions.

    Lasts between 1.5-3+ years

  • There are many variables when considering which lip blush technique to select.

    During your consultation, we will go through a thorough assessment of your skin, working together to determine the best technique that aligns with your preferences and suits your individual skin characteristics!

  • Cosmetic tattooing is intentionally designed to fade naturally over time, influenced by factors such as skin type, lifestyle, age, metabolism, medications, and pigment type used. Exposure to the sun and certain types of lighting, including tanning beds, can impact the breakdown of these pigments. To maintain the vibrancy of your brows, it's essential to follow the provided aftercare instructions and schedule touch-ups as needed.

    Touch-ups are a normal and expected part of the permanent cosmetics process. Please be aware that final results can vary and are not guaranteed due to the unique nature of each individual's healing skin. A follow-up appointment is recommended at 4-8 weeks, allowing us to assess your pigment retention and make any necessary adjustments for optimal results.

  • A topical numbing agent is used to make you comfortable during your service as pain tolerance varies from client to client!

  • Day 1: Right after the procedure the lips will be bold, vibrant and feel swollen and tight.
    Day 2: The lips are much darker and still feel swollen & dry, but there is no pain.
    Day 3-4: The skin is dry, flaking and peeling. The color is uneven and the outline is often darker than the inside area.
    Day 5-6: The flaking is almost gone, but the color is still uneven. Lips can still feel very dry.
    Day 7-31: The lips have completely healed, but the color is much lighter and softer.
    After 4-6 weeks: The color has fully bloomed and settled.

    At 6 weeks, your lips will be fully healed. Whatever pigment that does not return will be addressed at your touch up appointment. At this appointment, we will asses your retention, touch up spots that didn’t stick, and adjust the pigment color if needed! Once the lips have healed from your first touch up appointment, it is recommended that you do not return for your yearly color boost for 18-36 months!

    Around day 3, you may observe some flaking or light scabbing on the treated area. It's crucial not to pick at it, as doing so could result in pigment loss. Your brows may initially look spotty or patchy until the entire brow completes the healing process. Some areas might seem very light or even lose pigment entirely after peeling due to the thicker epidermis, which can mute or hide the pigment underneath. Over the next 4-6 weeks, the epidermis will normalize, revealing softened pigment more clearly on the skin's surface.

    By the 4-6 week mark, your brows will be fully healed. Any pigment that doesn't return will be addressed during your touch-up appointment. If you desire darker or bolder brows, additional color or dimension can be added during that appointment based on your preference.

  • The initial touch-up session is necessary to evaluate and adjust the cosmetic tattoo after the initial appointment. It addresses potential fading, enhances color and shape, optimizes longevity, and ensures client satisfaction by refining and perfecting the results achieved in the initial session.

Brow Services